Saturday, December 23, 2006

Scrooge/Grinch or next to Santa/Elf like???

Which one are YOU? I'd love to hear what best describes you this time of year and why?

I can be a bit of a Scrooge cause I hate buying gifts for folks that already have everything already! I think that consumerism christmas has almost completely wiped out the real meaning of Christmas, but I do love the concept of giving, it's just hard cause so many folks need so much more than us and yet we give to eachother. Don't get me wrong, I love giving a gift to folks that need it or if it's something really cool that they don't have but I'd rather go in with my family and buy a car or something crazy for a family in need or do international effort stuff like fund an entire well $5k in Zambia with Thirst or something.

So what are you? I'd love to hear!

Also, I have a super cool photog seminar idea, it will only accomodate like 3 photogs max per session but it will be super cool! Shoot me an email if your interested in learning more.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Being the President of non-profit is like being a kid during Christmas time! I never know how much year end giving we'll see come in and it's so exciting to see them when they arrive! It's been so fun to see Mike Colon, Gary Fong, Jeffrey and Julia Woods and many others getting involved and generously!

Life is good, business is good, kids are great, marriage is rockin! I like when life feels like it does right now, but I know that whether it feels good or not God is good!

I'm thankful for the gift of Jesus this Christmas and for all of you too!

God bless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What a "Weekend to Remember"!!!

For real, I must say this past weekend was by far the very best investment I've made into my marriage. What an incredibly amazing experience! I can't say enough.

Whether your engaged to be married, into it a few years, on the rocks, doing great or are celebrating your golden anniversary this conference is a winner!

I was so impressed I want to go back next year. They have them all over the country and in some really cool locations too! WOW!!!!

Jose Alvarez and Karl and Junanne Clauson were the speakers and they rocked!

I just can't believe how great it was! I know you can also listen to some of Karl's other messages at what a gifted speaker and a man full of the life of God!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Weekend To Remember

Lara and I are headed off to this really incredible weekend marriage conference. I'm super exctied about it. They say "If you don't agree that this is the best money you've ever spent toward your marriage we'll refund your money." With this type of a guarantee plus the recommendation of some friends who have been to it we figured we couldn't pass it up!

Marriage is such an amazing gift and such an incredible responsibility! I had a friend who said "You know, I started thinking, "I'm getting this walk with Jesus down pretty good, I'm doing pretty good in life and just being a better person. . . . then, I got married and realized what an absolute jerk I still was. Then I got the marriage part down a good bit and started feeling good about me again . . . then I had kids and . . ."

You get the point. Anyway, I'm excited to learn how to be the best husband I can be!

God bless you all!

P.S. Thanks Mom and Dad for staying with the kids!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I just received an email from a sister-in-law of a couple we shot like 4 years ago. She had a print that was somehow damaged and wanted to order a new one. It's times like these that I am so glad to be a Pictage partner! Using a pro lab like Pictage allows me to simply go online, select the event I want to rerelease and click "release" and it's done. Now the customer can simply go online, reorder the pic and I don't have to dig up old back up cd's, make the print, mail the print etc. for what would be nearly no profit when it's all done. Plus by releasing the event online again it might just generate a few more sales etc. as I added a discount purchase price for the next two months! If you've not used Pictage or have heard negative things in the past about them, just know that the CEO Jason Keifer recently sent out a letter addressing the 4 most common complaints about their services and he described in detail their efforts to improve in these areas. I'm proud to be in partnership with such a great company! And since I've had no sponsorship from Pictage (though I wish I was) I say this with no other motive than simply turning others onto a great service that really reduces the stress in my life and allows to focus on running my business, not just maintain it.

Friday, December 01, 2006

This Christmas consider giving the gift of life by providing a bio sand water filter to a village in need. For only $50 you can implement and install a filter that will radically change the health of a community, save lives and provide jobs for our ground workers that labor diligently every day to produce these incredible life saving filters! To learn more about how you can get involved visit also, the first 50 responders will receive a free Thirst t-shirt!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I just received these pix from Dave Webster who recently visited our water project in Zambia! Dave has been an amazing supporter of Thirst Relief International both as a source of encouragement and financially! Thanks Dave.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sometimes I wonder how many people are jealous that I have the cutest kids in the world!

Not really, but man I can't imagine them any cuter!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I just received this VanValkenburg Original drawing that has my son Brayden's name in it.

Can you see it?

These are really incredible works of art!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Brayden, my almost 3 year old son fell asleep in his grandpa horsey's arms (he calls him that cause he had horses, but it's grandpa hicks, my dad) while he was riding four wheelers through the woods at our cabin! What a fun day.

What's crazy is that he is the most difficult child at nap and bed time! He fights it sooooo bad but so desperately needs it or he's really crabby. And yet he'll fall asleep like this as we are riding over hills and creeks etc. so funny.

One of my favorite things to do (when it's not demanded of me) is to lay down with him at nap time and tell him a story about Jesus and then pray for him. So I'm laying there praying the other day and I say "Lord, draw us near to you." He say's "daddy, daddy why you pray for John Deere?" His grandpa would have been proud. He must be a country boy at heart!

God bless you all and I pray you/we have eyes to see all of our blessings for what they really are and we are not so caught up in the things that so easily distract us from what really counts!

And for anyone who can't believe I'd take my child on a fourwheeler, we go really, really slow and are very careful while we ride around with the little guys.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's amazing how much little notes of encouragment make a difference in your day.

I just received this note from a groom to be in 2007. I'm shooting he and Amy's wedding in May, their whole family is awesome! I shot Amy's sister's wedding a couple years ago.

Thanks James, you and Amy rock!

Jim,I hope this email finds you and your family doing well. I wanted to express my sincerist gratitude for the excellent job you've done with Amy and my engagment was so cold that day, but you can't tell it through the photos. I'm sure you're exceptionally busy right now but your efforts to push our proofs through your workflow, so we could have them to show friends and family for the holidays is something I'm extremely grateful for. Being able to view and share the set on Pictage has been an added convenience, with both sets of parents having laughed and cried while viewing the set. I'm sure this is one of many emails you have recieved in relation to your exceptional customer service and even more so your talent with a camera. Thank you again! James Laine

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My most sincere appologies to all of you who have run into problems with the PC version of ActionRunner.

An error occurred with my tech guys when they bundled the last version together.

Two ways to solve the problem:

1. Go into Photoshop and rename the "Davis Tools ActionRunner" action set to "Davis Tools Actions".

2. Or go to and download the updated version for free. The same password can be used to get in if you've previously been given a password.

I really do appreciate your patience and I sincerely hope that you'll be willing to try this amazing tool again now that the problem has been remedied.

Jim Davis-Hicks

If you have not requested your free 60 day trial version of ActionRunner and would like to receive a copy please e-mail me at and I'll send you a password to access the download site and a password to activate your trial version.

Jeff Laplante "I just edited a wedding today using ActionRunner and I am amazed at the amount of time I saved using this incredible tool."

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I must say that I'm shocked that someone who approves of partial birth abortion would be put into office to lead the state of Ohio!

Did you know that every single day in the USA there are more children killed through abortion than total soldiers killed in the war in Iraq?

I'm not saying I agree with all of what has happened in Iraq, I feel a far more aggressive attack upon the rebel forces there would be far more affective, but that's not my call. What I am saying is that I am sickened that people are more concerned about a current seemingly poor economy and the status of the war than they are about the thousands that murdered daily just cause they are an incovenience.

"America is great because America is good." We are more benevelant than any other country in the history of the world.

"America will cease to be great when it ceases to be good." How can we be good if we could care less about babies than to just dispose of them even if their hearts are beating loud and clear as early as 8 weeks? They beat before that, that's just when we hear them.

Last and most significant of my thoughts, (in my opinion) When does a human become valuable? Is it after someone else would miss them if they were gone? Is it after they've been invested in or received an education? When???? Any answer less than "The moment they are conceived!" puts others at the center, it puts the mother, the father, the friends, the institutions and people that that human life affects at the center. How selfish is that? I don't take pure water to folks in Zambia and Brazil because somehow my life is affected or I'll miss them if they suffer and die! I do it because all humans are created equal, valuable, worthy of life and worthy of our joy or our inconvenience! Either a human is valuable or it's not. Who are we to decide when they become valuable? If grandpa is old and a burden to take care of should we give him a shot to let him "pass away?" No, that's murder.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Get out and VOTE!

As a Christian and a concerned citizen I take our responsibility and privilege to vote very seriously!

When we went to vote at our old precinct we were turned away because we had moved!
So, it wasn't really convenient but we located our new precinct, got some utility bills to prove our new address and took the boys out and voted. I explained to the boys about how many places bullies rule and we have no say who upholds the Laws and rules that govern our country etc. I'm not sure if it was too advanced but I tried to lower the bar as far as I could.

Anyway, here is a quote about Christians and voting that I thought was really good! Enjoy.

"Christians should vote as a tangible demonstration of our love and concern for our neighbor. Many of the policies instituted by those in elected office will affect our loved ones and those around us in very real ways. Christians are not simply another narrow special-interest group, pushing only for those issues that directly impact us. Rather, just as God 'causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous" (Matthew 5:45), so should our concern be ensuring justice and liberty for all." -Dr. James Dobson

Monday, November 06, 2006

So how hard does your heart have to be to steal these little cuties pumpkins?

Today we went outside to do some fall leaves clean up and realized our pumpkins had been stolen off of our porch! Can you believe it? Four really big pumpkins, just gone! We colored them, made them pretty etc. and someone had a hard enough heart to steal them.

Anyway, you could see that little one's colored the two, a loving mom did the welcome and well the weird face it was mine. The best part is that I wrote out John 3:16 on the back of mine "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son and whoever would believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life! Even ME!!!" making reference to the weird face on the front. I hope these thieves read it are convicted and change their ways!

The boys were so upset about it but we used it as an opportunity to pray for the robbers and asked God to bring them close to Him and change them!

I guess in that it was a really good thing. I'd rather my kids learn mercy, forgiveness and grace than have a nicely decorted front porch!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

We got sooooo much candy and had soooo much fun!

What a great time to meet new neighbors, have a ton of fun, eat free chipotle and more!!!

God is good and He has so blessed me and my family!

The whole time we'd introduce ourselves by name and brayden would pipe in "No, I'm not Brayden, I'm Scooby Doo!"

Are they flippin cute or what?

Go Bucks, Whoof whoof!

p.s. today's game was wayyyyyyyyy too close, they played like they were drugged! still won, for which i am glad, but not the performance i've come to expect from #1, Oh yah! Go bucks!

did i say go bucks???? go bucks!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Just a thought.

Someone asked me how I'm doing today on e-mail.

My response started out like this "i'm doing well, really busy and just trying to keep family and God in their proper place."

As I wrote this I had to stop and consider what I was writing. Hmmm, family has a proper place, but what is God's proper place? How do you keep an all consuming fire in it's place?????

I had to stop and rewrite my response. "i'm doing well, really busy and trying not to be consumed with all that's going on, love my family properly and let God the all comsuming fire have His way with me."

If this doesn't make sense to you, then perhaps you too have tried to "put God in his proper place." God wants all of us, not just a corner of our life.

God bless you all.


Thursday, October 26, 2006


For the next two weeks you can get online, buy ActionRunner 1.0 Suite or ActionRunner 1.0 only and if after READING the User Guide and actually editing a wedding or a large number of images you are not fully satisfied I'll refund your entire purchase price! (But you have to delete it from your harddrive! And you can't steal the idea etc. It's between you, the Law and God at that point!)

Here is what Jeff LaPlante has to say about ActionRunner 1.0

"Sure, you can batch process images in Photoshop/Bridge but you have to do them all one action set at a time. ActionRunner gives you a electric carving knife to cut up the bird vs. using your old dull paring knife. Simply, you can power through 1100 images in an evening unattended and end up with 10 variations on the same images for you to choose from in the morning while you're drinking your latte. THAT is the POWER of ActionRunner. Don't try to bill it as something new and great for manipulating your images. Bill it as a time saving device that saves you from editing the files yourself or paying an assistant to do it."

For real, you could pay a part time employee $10 and hour to help edit images and in two weeks time you'd pay your employee more than the $350 for ActionRunner Suite.

I promise you that if you take the time to learn this tool, use it to it's fullest and customize it to your likings you'll be SOOOOO glad you did. I LOVE this tool!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ActionRunner 1.0 is now available at

This tool will revolutionize your editing life!!!!


Jim Davis-Hicks

Monday, October 23, 2006

we are sooooooo close.

hang in there to all of you who have been writing and asking when it will be ready!

for real, we should be live in the next 24-36 hours or so. i'm at the mercy of my web guys but it's sooooooo close. for real, this is the best tool i can imagine. i just edited a family session today in no time using it! it's incredible.

lastly, many of you have wondered can i use my own actions with ActionRunner??? YES! That's the best part is that you can use your own actions, others actions, create actions, add actions etc. all you have to do is add them in. Nobody, I mean nobody is beyond this tool. you might be set in your style and ways or you might be just starting out, ActionRunner is designed to make your life easier and your images better!

off to watch a show with my wife.

God bless.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I just did a sr. portrait last night of this really great guy named Josh.

I took about 170 of my favorite images, put each of the 170 images into 10 different action folders, clicked ActionRunner and went to bed. I woke up to 1700 different images. I put this little slideshow together with Showit Web and some of my favorite pix from the day. You'd never guess these were captured while it was drizzling out!


"Click Here" to see the show.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Davis Tools ActionRunner is about to go live!

Many of you have been asking "When????" Well we are soooo close. The user guide will be perfected and we should be live in the next 24 hours (or 36 or so, it's really up to the web guys to finalize it all.)

The user guide is really simple but we want it to be very thorough so that technical support is almost never necessary. The QuickStart guide is like 5 lines long, but the detailed deal and instructions on how to fully customize it are what we want to perfect so that even if your not a Photoshop person etc. you can use it to it's fullest ability! (This thing is sooo unbelieveably easy to use but we want it to be completely dummy proof before we release it.)

Be sure to check out in the next day or so.

Also, please leave a comment. I'd love to track how far the grapevine travels in the early stages of ActionRunner.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

To see the slideshow click here.

Jen and Mike,

What a joy and pleasure it was to shoot your wedding!

We had a really great time and I hope you guys really enjoy your wedding pix for years to come!

Remember when you start working on that nephew that your brother spoke about we'll be here for you!

Talk soon, God bless.

Jim and Lara

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Davis Tools ActionRunner 1.0 is up and running! It's still a beta version of it and we are working out any of the quarks but it's amazing.

Hopefully at the end of next week it will be completely available for purchase and ready to run.

For real, I edited a wedding yesterday that started out with 3000+ images, narrowed them down to the top 1000 images and edited them all in less than 3.5 hours time in front of the computer. It's so amazing!

If you want to know more or be notified of when it's ready go to and sign up for the mailing list.

This is a fully automated deal, it's not like other workflows.

I'm working like crazy to finalize this. Testimonies soon to come from the beta version folks.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

i just received this from a client from last year. i thought it was well worth sharing about how to treat a client.

this is a bit random, but i just felt the overwhelming need to express how much we enjoyed working with you both, and how wonderfully easy going you were-- i think my appreciation quadrupled this week a whole year in retrospect, and i wish i could figure out how to better articulate it. chris' sister is getting married next week, and they are absolutely traumatized by their photographer. apparently the original price of the contract has now tripled with extras that "they absolutely have to have", and the family is just shocked, because the woman will not back down and refuses to change her agenda. it is as though she knew when they would be the most stressed out, and moved in for the kill. whereas, i still remember meeting you and walking through the contract, with you telling me straight up "what you see is what you get--no hidden costs"--and that was certainly the case. not to mention, we never felt as though you treated us with anything but the utmost respect, regardless of which package we chose or photos we purchased. at any rate, it had been a pleasure working with you from Day 1, but i certainly have a new, enhanced perspective about how fortunate we were!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

i think we settled in in record time cause we were putting in like 18 hour days since we were kid free and we had a lot of amazing friends and family helping us with the move and painting etc. i love our new place and i am so excited to have a formal studio that is gonna rock!

anyway, i'm trying to catch up but putting in the 18 hour days made me a ringer for the flu and i caught it! :( i'm almost fully recovered but still feeling a little junky. it's amazing, every time i get sick so many things are exposed for what they really are, stuff. at the end of my life i wont care about most of what i spend my time doing but i'll so wish with all that is within me that i'd known God and my loved one's more. this year i want to really, truly seek to love God with all that I am and seek to love those around me with all I can!

i'll post some pix of the new place soon, lara has done an amazing job of making it look really sweet already! thanks to all of you who helped us and showed us how loved we really are.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

i had to share this real quickly. lara and i went out and spent 9 hours picking out fans, lights, paint and more so that we can make our new home look and feel like we want it to (or at least get a start on it.) when i got home i sat down and picked out my favorite images from a wedding i recently shot, put them into my respective actions folders and clicked on my new "run actions" icon and now i am heading to bed!

what does that mean? it means that all i had to do was select the pix i like, drag and drop them into one of my 25 custom action folders and click "run actions" and now i'm heading to bed. while i sleep all 25 actions will be fully automated, any images having multiple actions applied will be renumbered so i don't lose any images and then they will be automatically placed into my almost finished folder. when i wake up in the morning i'll check to confirm that my images look exactly like i want them to, (if i want to adjust any i'll just use my micro actions that are included in the new Davis Tools EZ Editor 1.0 to edit to final perfection,) then i'll renumber and ftp them to Pictage where they'll take care of the rest!

i know i sound like a salesman but this thing is truly unbelievable. it wont be long before i'll have the beta version available online at

gary at is so incredible. he's the guy that does all the programming stuff i need for this project. we are working on making it pretty and working out any problems.

i never thought that editing a wedding could be so easy! if your interested in learning more about this product please go to and sign up for my mailing list at the bottom of the home page.

Monday, September 11, 2006

360 payments more and it's all mine!

Praise the Lord! We've been looking to get this home for 8 months now and after a little patience, a ton of showing our current home and a big leap of faith for a bigger house payment we are going for it!

We'll be moving our home and office this Sat. Sept. 16th from 9:00 til whenever we are done.

I am really trying to tie up any loose ends for business and make sure everything transfers over as seemless as possible but please be patient if I am not quick to return emails and phone calls.

I'm so excited about this house cause it has a bunch of character as a one of a kind built in the 1800's, an incredible yard, we can walk to anywhere in uptown old westerville and it also has an old out building that we will be converting to our studio shooting space!

Keep us in your prayers as things are a bit stressful as we prepare to move!

God bless,

jim, lara, ashton and brayden

p.s. our new address will be 64 S. Vine St. Westerville, OH 43081

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Here's my latest family portrait that I recently did with Brynne and Max's family.

You guys did great and I hope you enjoy these pix for years to come. They grow up so fast! I wish we could put a halt on them growing up. :) God bless you guys and your family.

jim and lara

Monday, August 28, 2006


The other night I went downtown with Jen and Mike and their dog too! (I probably would have scored some points if I could remember his name. Poindexter maybe??) Anyway, we had such a great time. We spent about 3 hours in the Arena District and had fun, shot pix and ate ice cream. What a blast! Enjoy this show guys. I can't wait to shoot your wedding!

God bless,


Thursday, August 24, 2006


Emma and Tucker enjoy!

I just shot this wedding this past weekend. I've never shot at The Columbus Club or COSI, both were very, very cool! I'd say they are one of my top picks for a wedding that is around 150 folks! Very fun. The florist did a great job and the coordinators too. And of course my favorite video guys at Outsider Entertainment and Rob Mcdowell at Encore Entertainment did amazing too! Love working with these guys!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

two rubber bands, 4 pieces of celery, 4 pieces off of a broom.

a whole lot of fun!! I love my little men!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yenny and Ethan enjoy!

If you want to mail the link to the show it

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Megan and James, enjoy this little slideshow of your awesome day!!

God bless you guys.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Check out this slideshow of Alex and Marta! This is my first Showit Web show and I love it!!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Congratulations to Alex and Marta! What an incredible wedding to be a part of and to shoot! God bless you guys!

Also, my Outlook is on the blink and I'm not sure why. If you have e-mailed me recently and have not received a response I appologize. I'm not sure how long it will be until this is resolved.

Thanks for understanding.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I clipped this blog entry from my good friend Mike Colon. He is doing a raffle for some really cool products that are priced well above and beyond the price of a $25 donation. Every $25 donated gets you another ticket and you save 5 lives at the same time. How can you go wrong doing this?

I just bought two tickets myself cause I passionately believe that it's good to save a life for only $5 and I really like the cool products that he is offering. Check it out!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hey Everyone! Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a couple weeks! I've been working hard, shooting, and spending time with my family. Life is good! God is good!I just now opened up my newsletter from Thirst Relief International and read about all of the cool things that are happening. I'm so excited that things are going so well and so many lives are being saved! I'm thinking about doing a photo expedition workshop to Brazil to raise funds for Thirst. It would be very different from your typical posh newport beach Mike Colon workshop. We would be roughing it on a large boat out in the middle of the amazon jungle sleeping on hammocks and fishing for our food. Totally adventurous and not entirely safe, but a guaranteed life-changing experience. 100% of the proceeds would go to Thirst. If you are crazy enough, and seriously interested, contact me at, for every $25 you donate to Thirst, I will put your name in a drawing to win one of many cool Tamrac and Epson prizes including bags, accessories and an Epson P4000! For example, if you donate $100 to Thirst, you will have 4 tickets entered in the drawing. Just email your donation receipts to The drawing will be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. I will be accepting entries starting now through the end of this month.***CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW AND SAVE LIVES!***

Friday, July 14, 2006

This is the home page for my new Davis Photography Dzine Tools; Photographer Resource Website. It should be live sometime in the next two months. Check out in the next month or two.

On the site I'll have upcoming seminar information, feature products available like my Davis Dzine Digital JPG Workflow that gives you the freedom and power of a RAW flow but you wont have to spend thousands of $$$$ to buy new harddrives, more cf cards, Adobe CS2 and more. It's really smokin. I've edited all of my 06 weddings with this flow and my clients couldn't be happier with their pix! I am finding that I now actually have time to grow my business and live my life instead of just maintaining and enduring the "busy wedding season" that we all can relate to.

For real, I took my kids to a junk yard on a field trip the other day and then we went to the airport, equipped with light sabors, to hunt some monsters that we heard were landing in Columbus. I have two boys if you can't tell! :) Gotta love them. But I wouldn't have the time to do this kind of stuff with them if I was still editing the way I used to. This workflow has changed my life. If you want to know more about it and would like me to e-mail you when it's available online I'd be happy to contact you, just send me a message that's titled "Workflow Info" in the subject line and I'll be sure to let you know. Write me at

Today's digital photographer has to do far more than just push a button. An image is a work of art created in a digital darkroom called Photoshop. That's why this workflow is more than just some actions, it's a system of organizing, selecting, editing, renaming, protecting, and automating custom touches to hundreds of images. I am editing 1000 plus images in just a matter of a few hours and getting faster every time I use this new flow. Below you'll see a few before and afters of just a few of the actions that will come with the entire workflow package. Each action is a customized one of a kind created for and by Davis Photography and soon will be available to you who are interested.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I just finished editing Megan and James Bagdalia's wedding! Seriously a job shouldn't be this fun and easy! All we had to do was push the shutter button and they looked amazing! I used my new digital workflow that I custom created to edit this wedding. All of the images have customized actions run and they look awesome. I hope to have my workflow for sale online in about 2 months. Be on the lookout for our new Davis Photography Tools site where we'll have our digital workflow, custom actions, how to's, workshop info and more. I'm excited about it!

Megan and James,
enjoy a couple of the images from your wedding! They'll be available on in a few days. God bless you guys!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

We are now home after 11 days away. We went to Lakeside Ohio and had a great family vacation with lots of fun and then headed to my folks for the Independence Day Weekend and visited with my sister and brother in law who were in from Missisippi and the rest of my family. Lara and I took a ride on my folks Gold Wing too. It was so fun. I want to buy a bike but am waiting patiently for the right one and the right time. It's now back to work. We'll be designing albums for the next couple weeks and doing some business development as well. Also, I'll have some images to come from my most recent wedding of Megan and James. They turned out incredible. Can't wait to edit them.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Four most important things in my life are God, my wife Lara, my son Ashton and my son Brayden.

Over the next couple weeks we'll be back and forth all over Ohio. This weekend we're shooting a great wedding at Congress Lake, then we'll be at the Alive Festival representing Thirst Relief International and then at the Lakes shooting another great wedding, then on to family vacation at Lakeside. Because nothing means more to me than the four I mentioned above I've been working extra hard lately to get ahead enough to be able to really enjoy our time away. Therefore, I will probably not be updating the blog for a while, we'll see how that goes and I wont be attending to business matters as quickly as normal. So if you find yourself waiting for a reply to e-mail, a returned call, or a meeting just know that your very important to us and we look forward to connecting soon. God bless and may all of you who read this blog be as blessed as I am and more!

Also, I'd love to see who reads this blog and where your from. Please log in and leave a comment!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sarah and Doug, here's a sneak peek. Enjoy.

Sarah is crazy skilled at wedding invites etc. be on the look out for which will be the website for Bella Doodle Designs.

God bless.


Friday, June 09, 2006

I went to Lake Erie the other day and had a really great time fishing on the Sassy Sal Headboat. It's awesome. You get a couple friends together, take some poles and walleye lures and you just pay $20 something to get on the boat and they put you on the fish. And boy did they. I was catching walleye all day long. And a couple sheep head, catfish and white bass. We only kept the walleye and are gonna have a crazy good fish fry on vacation in a couple weeks.

Be sure to ask if Brian is the captain and Jesse is the first mate. They make a great team and really work to net your fish, wash your worms and most of all to keep you on the fish.

For those who didn't know me in my good ole' day you can now get a glimpse of what I think a really good time is! :) Of course now I have to carry my camera with me while I do it.