So how hard does your heart have to be to steal these little cuties pumpkins?
Today we went outside to do some fall leaves clean up and realized our pumpkins had been stolen off of our porch! Can you believe it? Four really big pumpkins, just gone! We colored them, made them pretty etc. and someone had a hard enough heart to steal them.
Anyway, you could see that little one's colored the two, a loving mom did the welcome and well the weird face it was mine. The best part is that I wrote out John 3:16 on the back of mine "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son and whoever would believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life! Even ME!!!" making reference to the weird face on the front. I hope these thieves read it are convicted and change their ways!
The boys were so upset about it but we used it as an opportunity to pray for the robbers and asked God to bring them close to Him and change them!
I guess in that it was a really good thing. I'd rather my kids learn mercy, forgiveness and grace than have a nicely decorted front porch!
Fine dude, I'll give you back your pumpkins, although they may look like pie!!!
Dave Webster
that's hillarious!
i was trying to be optomistic and thought "maybe someone was hungry and since they were colored and not cut they stole them for pie." then i found out you don't use regular pumkins for pumkin pie!
who would have guessed?
i knew it was you, that whole apple pie house warming gift was a set up!
Yep, we were just casing the joint!!!
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