Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Turkeys!!!! Taxes :( and Relaxin!!!!

This past week I spent a few days at a cabin my parents have in the middle of nowhere. I worked on organizing my tax information for my accountant for 15 hours straight! Then I spent the rest of the time hiking, taking pix of some Turkey that were eating outside the cabin, reading my Bible by the fire and just enjoying the peace and quiet!

It was great. Can anyone say? "You need Quickbooks!" It was on the top of my list for getting it rolling when I returned home.

The first day was spent with my boys at the cabin playing games, reading, doing puzzles and more. Grandpa came down and we had a really great hike through the woods with the boys. Then he took the kiddos so I could spend the next little bit of time focusing on the taxes. Lara was home designing some really, great albums. I posted one of them on our site, it's one of my favorite albums to date.

While at the cabin I always have some time to reflect. I try to get up to it a few times a year to just enjoy a couple days of solitude and reflect and pray about God's will for my life. While I was gone I just kept hearing the letters AIV. AIV means All In Vain. My friend Mike Colon shared with me while we were in the Amazon that he sees this bumper sticker on a guard rail on his way to his studio. He said he realized while on this trip that so much of our lives can be AIV. I have to ask myself is what I am doing AIV or is it unto God. Will it last? I have so many ideas, goals, plans, thoughts and more and yet so often that which gets the most attention deserves the least. Anyway, I spent some time in prayer and said "God sometimes I feel much of my life can be all in vain and I often don't seem close to you or intimate in any way. Everything seems to take priority over You. I feel condemned at times." At that I heard a voice in my mind (not audible and not wierd, just a clear thought) it said "How do you expect to feel close to me if your not close to my Word?" At that I felt compelled to read a book in the New Testament called Romans and chapter 8 was impressed on my mind, guess what it read? "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ." WOW!!!! What a crazy cool quick answer to prayer. I continued to read it and it really made me want to just live all out for God from the way I love Him, seek Him, love my wife and kids to the way I serve my clients, friends, family and the way I lead Thirst. Anyway, it wasn't as mystical as it might sound but it sure was cool.

Praise God!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Today is World Water Day 2006. It's so good to know we have allies in this effort to defeat death and disease through the provision of clean drinking water.

If you have not made a tax deductable donation to Thirst Relief International today would be a good day to do it! Literally if 10 people make a $5 donation an entire family will get a water filter that will provide clean, safe drinking water for a lifetime. It's unbelievable how easy it is to prevent death and disease by simply providing water filters to these families in need. To learn more about how you can get involved visit our website and also be sure to check out the World Water Day 2006 website.

Together we can save lives and change the world!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 is live and running!

Be sure to visit to see what's been happening and what we have been spending our time doing lately.

Also, there is a crazy cool, super short video of our trip to Brazil done by David Jay at this link

It's amazing how many hours we've been putting into the development of this project and now it's finally all coming together.

Thanks for all of you who care. For real I can't express the joy I find in knowing that what we accomplish through Thirst will literally save the lives of potentially millions of children!


Jim and Lara