Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I clipped this blog entry from my good friend Mike Colon. He is doing a raffle for some really cool products that are priced well above and beyond the price of a $25 donation. Every $25 donated gets you another ticket and you save 5 lives at the same time. How can you go wrong doing this?

I just bought two tickets myself cause I passionately believe that it's good to save a life for only $5 and I really like the cool products that he is offering. Check it out!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hey Everyone! Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a couple weeks! I've been working hard, shooting, and spending time with my family. Life is good! God is good!I just now opened up my newsletter from Thirst Relief International and read about all of the cool things that are happening. I'm so excited that things are going so well and so many lives are being saved! I'm thinking about doing a photo expedition workshop to Brazil to raise funds for Thirst. It would be very different from your typical posh newport beach Mike Colon workshop. We would be roughing it on a large boat out in the middle of the amazon jungle sleeping on hammocks and fishing for our food. Totally adventurous and not entirely safe, but a guaranteed life-changing experience. 100% of the proceeds would go to Thirst. If you are crazy enough, and seriously interested, contact me at mike@mikecolon.com, for every $25 you donate to Thirst, I will put your name in a drawing to win one of many cool Tamrac and Epson prizes including bags, accessories and an Epson P4000! For example, if you donate $100 to Thirst, you will have 4 tickets entered in the drawing. Just email your donation receipts to thirstrelief@mikecolon.com. The drawing will be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. I will be accepting entries starting now through the end of this month.***CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW AND SAVE LIVES!***

Friday, July 14, 2006

This is the home page for my new Davis Photography Dzine Tools; Photographer Resource Website. It should be live sometime in the next two months. Check out www.davistools.com in the next month or two.

On the site I'll have upcoming seminar information, feature products available like my Davis Dzine Digital JPG Workflow that gives you the freedom and power of a RAW flow but you wont have to spend thousands of $$$$ to buy new harddrives, more cf cards, Adobe CS2 and more. It's really smokin. I've edited all of my 06 weddings with this flow and my clients couldn't be happier with their pix! I am finding that I now actually have time to grow my business and live my life instead of just maintaining and enduring the "busy wedding season" that we all can relate to.

For real, I took my kids to a junk yard on a field trip the other day and then we went to the airport, equipped with light sabors, to hunt some monsters that we heard were landing in Columbus. I have two boys if you can't tell! :) Gotta love them. But I wouldn't have the time to do this kind of stuff with them if I was still editing the way I used to. This workflow has changed my life. If you want to know more about it and would like me to e-mail you when it's available online I'd be happy to contact you, just send me a message that's titled "Workflow Info" in the subject line and I'll be sure to let you know. Write me at info@davistools.com

Today's digital photographer has to do far more than just push a button. An image is a work of art created in a digital darkroom called Photoshop. That's why this workflow is more than just some actions, it's a system of organizing, selecting, editing, renaming, protecting, and automating custom touches to hundreds of images. I am editing 1000 plus images in just a matter of a few hours and getting faster every time I use this new flow. Below you'll see a few before and afters of just a few of the actions that will come with the entire workflow package. Each action is a customized one of a kind created for and by Davis Photography and soon will be available to you who are interested.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I just finished editing Megan and James Bagdalia's wedding! Seriously a job shouldn't be this fun and easy! All we had to do was push the shutter button and they looked amazing! I used my new digital workflow that I custom created to edit this wedding. All of the images have customized actions run and they look awesome. I hope to have my workflow for sale online in about 2 months. Be on the lookout for our new Davis Photography Tools site where we'll have our digital workflow, custom actions, how to's, workshop info and more. I'm excited about it!

Megan and James,
enjoy a couple of the images from your wedding! They'll be available on www.pictage.com in a few days. God bless you guys!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

We are now home after 11 days away. We went to Lakeside Ohio and had a great family vacation with lots of fun and then headed to my folks for the Independence Day Weekend and visited with my sister and brother in law who were in from Missisippi and the rest of my family. Lara and I took a ride on my folks Gold Wing too. It was so fun. I want to buy a bike but am waiting patiently for the right one and the right time. It's now back to work. We'll be designing albums for the next couple weeks and doing some business development as well. Also, I'll have some images to come from my most recent wedding of Megan and James. They turned out incredible. Can't wait to edit them.