Friday, June 16, 2006

The Four most important things in my life are God, my wife Lara, my son Ashton and my son Brayden.

Over the next couple weeks we'll be back and forth all over Ohio. This weekend we're shooting a great wedding at Congress Lake, then we'll be at the Alive Festival representing Thirst Relief International and then at the Lakes shooting another great wedding, then on to family vacation at Lakeside. Because nothing means more to me than the four I mentioned above I've been working extra hard lately to get ahead enough to be able to really enjoy our time away. Therefore, I will probably not be updating the blog for a while, we'll see how that goes and I wont be attending to business matters as quickly as normal. So if you find yourself waiting for a reply to e-mail, a returned call, or a meeting just know that your very important to us and we look forward to connecting soon. God bless and may all of you who read this blog be as blessed as I am and more!

Also, I'd love to see who reads this blog and where your from. Please log in and leave a comment!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sarah and Doug, here's a sneak peek. Enjoy.

Sarah is crazy skilled at wedding invites etc. be on the look out for which will be the website for Bella Doodle Designs.

God bless.


Friday, June 09, 2006

I went to Lake Erie the other day and had a really great time fishing on the Sassy Sal Headboat. It's awesome. You get a couple friends together, take some poles and walleye lures and you just pay $20 something to get on the boat and they put you on the fish. And boy did they. I was catching walleye all day long. And a couple sheep head, catfish and white bass. We only kept the walleye and are gonna have a crazy good fish fry on vacation in a couple weeks.

Be sure to ask if Brian is the captain and Jesse is the first mate. They make a great team and really work to net your fish, wash your worms and most of all to keep you on the fish.

For those who didn't know me in my good ole' day you can now get a glimpse of what I think a really good time is! :) Of course now I have to carry my camera with me while I do it.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Congratulations to my friend Mike Colon. He was just inducted into Nikon's "Legend Behind the Lens" though he's already a legend. For real, this guy has donated so much to Thirst Relief International that he's already a legend to me and so many others. Congratulations Mike!

Check out the article: