Saturday, December 23, 2006

Scrooge/Grinch or next to Santa/Elf like???

Which one are YOU? I'd love to hear what best describes you this time of year and why?

I can be a bit of a Scrooge cause I hate buying gifts for folks that already have everything already! I think that consumerism christmas has almost completely wiped out the real meaning of Christmas, but I do love the concept of giving, it's just hard cause so many folks need so much more than us and yet we give to eachother. Don't get me wrong, I love giving a gift to folks that need it or if it's something really cool that they don't have but I'd rather go in with my family and buy a car or something crazy for a family in need or do international effort stuff like fund an entire well $5k in Zambia with Thirst or something.

So what are you? I'd love to hear!

Also, I have a super cool photog seminar idea, it will only accomodate like 3 photogs max per session but it will be super cool! Shoot me an email if your interested in learning more.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Being the President of non-profit is like being a kid during Christmas time! I never know how much year end giving we'll see come in and it's so exciting to see them when they arrive! It's been so fun to see Mike Colon, Gary Fong, Jeffrey and Julia Woods and many others getting involved and generously!

Life is good, business is good, kids are great, marriage is rockin! I like when life feels like it does right now, but I know that whether it feels good or not God is good!

I'm thankful for the gift of Jesus this Christmas and for all of you too!

God bless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What a "Weekend to Remember"!!!

For real, I must say this past weekend was by far the very best investment I've made into my marriage. What an incredibly amazing experience! I can't say enough.

Whether your engaged to be married, into it a few years, on the rocks, doing great or are celebrating your golden anniversary this conference is a winner!

I was so impressed I want to go back next year. They have them all over the country and in some really cool locations too! WOW!!!!

Jose Alvarez and Karl and Junanne Clauson were the speakers and they rocked!

I just can't believe how great it was! I know you can also listen to some of Karl's other messages at what a gifted speaker and a man full of the life of God!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Weekend To Remember

Lara and I are headed off to this really incredible weekend marriage conference. I'm super exctied about it. They say "If you don't agree that this is the best money you've ever spent toward your marriage we'll refund your money." With this type of a guarantee plus the recommendation of some friends who have been to it we figured we couldn't pass it up!

Marriage is such an amazing gift and such an incredible responsibility! I had a friend who said "You know, I started thinking, "I'm getting this walk with Jesus down pretty good, I'm doing pretty good in life and just being a better person. . . . then, I got married and realized what an absolute jerk I still was. Then I got the marriage part down a good bit and started feeling good about me again . . . then I had kids and . . ."

You get the point. Anyway, I'm excited to learn how to be the best husband I can be!

God bless you all!

P.S. Thanks Mom and Dad for staying with the kids!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I just received an email from a sister-in-law of a couple we shot like 4 years ago. She had a print that was somehow damaged and wanted to order a new one. It's times like these that I am so glad to be a Pictage partner! Using a pro lab like Pictage allows me to simply go online, select the event I want to rerelease and click "release" and it's done. Now the customer can simply go online, reorder the pic and I don't have to dig up old back up cd's, make the print, mail the print etc. for what would be nearly no profit when it's all done. Plus by releasing the event online again it might just generate a few more sales etc. as I added a discount purchase price for the next two months! If you've not used Pictage or have heard negative things in the past about them, just know that the CEO Jason Keifer recently sent out a letter addressing the 4 most common complaints about their services and he described in detail their efforts to improve in these areas. I'm proud to be in partnership with such a great company! And since I've had no sponsorship from Pictage (though I wish I was) I say this with no other motive than simply turning others onto a great service that really reduces the stress in my life and allows to focus on running my business, not just maintain it.

Friday, December 01, 2006

This Christmas consider giving the gift of life by providing a bio sand water filter to a village in need. For only $50 you can implement and install a filter that will radically change the health of a community, save lives and provide jobs for our ground workers that labor diligently every day to produce these incredible life saving filters! To learn more about how you can get involved visit also, the first 50 responders will receive a free Thirst t-shirt!