Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I liked these better.

Friday, May 26, 2006

We literally just got home from having a really great evening with some friends, Marta and Alex, these are just a few of their engagment shots that we took tonight. It was a ton of fun shooting them along with Graham and Hillary Rouse of Rouse Multi-Media, very gifted and fun wedding photographers as well as friends of ours.

It was so fun to have a night with Lara and some friends without the boys along. It was a special treat. Thanks a ton to Marla and Jay, neighbors who watched the boys!!!! You rock!

Enjoy. I am so blessed to be a part of this relationship!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I just got back home from one of my all time favorite weddings! I had such a good time shooting. It's funny cause on my way to the wedding I just felt completely out of it. I was tired, had a headache, was kinda upset about some stuff and just felt off in general. So I called two buddies to ask for prayer and neither answered. So, I just prayed myself. Jesus really met me and helped me to completely come out of my funk and I ended up having one of the greatest times I've ever had at a wedding. Rebecca and Chris are two of the sweetest people I've ever photographed. What a joy to be a part of their day. God was at the center of their whole day and their families were awesome! She doesn't have any unmarried sisters so you can be sure I mean all of this :)

Anyway, I really do love what I do as a photographer and I really shoot every wedding with my whole heart. This one just stood out relationally.

Thanks guys for letting me be a part of your big day!

God bless,


enjoy these few images.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Lara and I just returned from San Francisco after shooting this really amazing wedding!

We hiked up this really long, steep, dark trail after the weddings Sat. night. When we saw the full moon we couldn't pass up the chance to get this shot of the Golden Gate Bridge even though we had just finished shooting a 10+ hour day. It was so worth it! We were totally chilled cause the wind was blowing like crazy and it was really cold. But when we saw the images we were getting we couldn't stop shooting. Enjoy!

Congratulations Yenny and Ethan! May your marriage be even more blessed than the day of your wedding! Can't wait to edit your pix.

Here are a couple to enjoy!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Every month we are sending $1500 to Brazil for the production of water filters. That is Thirst Relief International is. I personally know Kevin pictured on the left helping to push this cart that contains two water filters in it.

It's amazing what can be accomplished by just a few people giving $5, or $10 a month. We have people on the ground ready, willing and able to do this type of labor in order to take safe, clean water to those who are literally dying of thirst. All we need is the money to do it. 100% of all donations go directly to the cause of providing pure water to children around the world. Monthly we need $1500 for Brazil and $1500 for Zambia, and we have recently expanded into Guatamala. If you've not become a Thirst partner please consider doing so by going to and contribute securely online or read about how to mail in a contribution.

I live and breath this cause and just want to see more lives saved!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

We shot a really great wedding last night! Mike and Serene from NYC, NY were alot of fun! Mike got the "cool" look down real quick. (That's for his benefit.)

Good group of folks with alot of Arabic spirit! It was so fun capturing the dance shots when the Arabic music was playing. It was a workout just shooting the pix! Tons of fun!

Here's a couple of our favorite images from the shoot.

We are headed to San Francisco for a wedding next weekend and really look forward to shooting at some really great places there.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

One of my new favorite images!

I am so excited about this new workflow I created. I used to spend 4+ days editing a wedding to perfection! Now, with no less perfection I am editing an entire wedding in like 8 hours. I am so excited about gaining my life back. I thought the only way I could do this type of a workflow was if I went RAW. That would have required another $3k investment. But I am achieving the same results while still shooting jpg which I love doing anyway. More to come, I'm need to get back to finalizing this wedding so I can ftp it to Pictage.