Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Just a thought.

Someone asked me how I'm doing today on e-mail.

My response started out like this "i'm doing well, really busy and just trying to keep family and God in their proper place."

As I wrote this I had to stop and consider what I was writing. Hmmm, family has a proper place, but what is God's proper place? How do you keep an all consuming fire in it's place?????

I had to stop and rewrite my response. "i'm doing well, really busy and trying not to be consumed with all that's going on, love my family properly and let God the all comsuming fire have His way with me."

If this doesn't make sense to you, then perhaps you too have tried to "put God in his proper place." God wants all of us, not just a corner of our life.

God bless you all.



Jocelyn said...

Hey Jim,
Between your thought and the discussion at our small group last night, I have been praying alot and am really feeling God's presence and encouragement. It is so sweet to know how God is always there, but sometimes we just have to be willing to talk to and listen to Him.

Jim Davis Hicks said...

to both of you spoken in the voice of rev on Remember the Titans

"Amen! Amen!"

greg, are you going to wppi? i'd love to see you and plan to be there myself. if all works out i might be speaking at wppi about actionRunner. we'll see.

God bless you both.

Anonymous said...

Good word brother!!!!
Dave Webster

Jim Davis Hicks said...


i'm editing shad's pix right now, that's so funny!

what's cool is that while they are being edited i am writing you!!!!

gotta love actinRunner!

|| davidjay || said...

Great post man!