Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Davis Tools ActionRunner 1.0 is up and running! It's still a beta version of it and we are working out any of the quarks but it's amazing.

Hopefully at the end of next week it will be completely available for purchase and ready to run.

For real, I edited a wedding yesterday that started out with 3000+ images, narrowed them down to the top 1000 images and edited them all in less than 3.5 hours time in front of the computer. It's so amazing!

If you want to know more or be notified of when it's ready go to and sign up for the mailing list.

This is a fully automated deal, it's not like other workflows.

I'm working like crazy to finalize this. Testimonies soon to come from the beta version folks.


Jim Davis Hicks said...

i never would have thought to use it that way! i'm excited to try it like that myself.

your so on the edge!

thanks for the new use idea!

Anonymous said...

Jim - dude, i messed around with Davis Tools for a little while last night - just getting to know some of your actions and such - man this ROCKS. I'm actually looking forward to shooting this weekend just so i can use your workflow. Let me know when a testimonials section is up and i will GLADY PRAISE YOUR WORKFLOW. excited to have some time away from the computer again. thanks for everything and all your hard work!

Jocelyn said...

hey hicks'! ok, so this has nothing to do with the editing tools (since i am no photographer) but i just wanted to tell you guys that it was so great having small group in your new home. it feels so comforting and cozy. last night was really sweet. its so nice to be a part of a group that is so real and loving. can't wait for more memories in your place.

Jim Davis Hicks said...

ben, thanks for the compliments. i knew you'd LOVE it. i can't get over how incredible it is.

jocelyn, we love you and it was so good to have group again in our home. i'm looking forward to a great year ahead!