Saturday, September 23, 2006

i think we settled in in record time cause we were putting in like 18 hour days since we were kid free and we had a lot of amazing friends and family helping us with the move and painting etc. i love our new place and i am so excited to have a formal studio that is gonna rock!

anyway, i'm trying to catch up but putting in the 18 hour days made me a ringer for the flu and i caught it! :( i'm almost fully recovered but still feeling a little junky. it's amazing, every time i get sick so many things are exposed for what they really are, stuff. at the end of my life i wont care about most of what i spend my time doing but i'll so wish with all that is within me that i'd known God and my loved one's more. this year i want to really, truly seek to love God with all that I am and seek to love those around me with all I can!

i'll post some pix of the new place soon, lara has done an amazing job of making it look really sweet already! thanks to all of you who helped us and showed us how loved we really are.


|| davidjay || said...

yea man! That's so awesome!

Jocelyn said...

i miss you guys. going a little over a week without seeing you feels like forever :) can't wait to see the house now. by the way, i still am so pumped about the trim-painting technique you taught me. wish i had a room to paint in my house where i could use my new tricks. haha! love you guys and can't wait to see you and the boys soon.

Jim Davis Hicks said...

thanks dj!

jocelyn, we have plenty of rooms that you can practice on!
