Saturday, December 23, 2006

Scrooge/Grinch or next to Santa/Elf like???

Which one are YOU? I'd love to hear what best describes you this time of year and why?

I can be a bit of a Scrooge cause I hate buying gifts for folks that already have everything already! I think that consumerism christmas has almost completely wiped out the real meaning of Christmas, but I do love the concept of giving, it's just hard cause so many folks need so much more than us and yet we give to eachother. Don't get me wrong, I love giving a gift to folks that need it or if it's something really cool that they don't have but I'd rather go in with my family and buy a car or something crazy for a family in need or do international effort stuff like fund an entire well $5k in Zambia with Thirst or something.

So what are you? I'd love to hear!

Also, I have a super cool photog seminar idea, it will only accomodate like 3 photogs max per session but it will be super cool! Shoot me an email if your interested in learning more.


Anonymous said...

Bahhhh Humbug!!!
Well, I am just like you. I hate Christmas in the consumer sense. This year I have be focusing on the decision that God had to make to send his son...To DIE for a bunch of unworthy losers, IE Me!!! Anyway, it has given me a whole new perspective being a father to a son myself and poorly attempting to imitate the one true Father.
Well that all being said...Merry CHRISTmas.
Dave Webster

Anonymous said...

I think the next time you are gathered with your family, you should mention the idea.

Your Brother.

Jim Davis Hicks said...


that's why i like you so much, your just like me only good looking and funny!

good idea mike! thanks.
