Brayden, my almost 3 year old son fell asleep in his grandpa horsey's arms (he calls him that cause he had horses, but it's grandpa hicks, my dad) while he was riding four wheelers through the woods at our cabin! What a fun day.
What's crazy is that he is the most difficult child at nap and bed time! He fights it sooooo bad but so desperately needs it or he's really crabby. And yet he'll fall asleep like this as we are riding over hills and creeks etc. so funny.
One of my favorite things to do (when it's not demanded of me) is to lay down with him at nap time and tell him a story about Jesus and then pray for him. So I'm laying there praying the other day and I say "Lord, draw us near to you." He say's "daddy, daddy why you pray for John Deere?" His grandpa would have been proud. He must be a country boy at heart!
God bless you all and I pray you/we have eyes to see all of our blessings for what they really are and we are not so caught up in the things that so easily distract us from what really counts!
And for anyone who can't believe I'd take my child on a fourwheeler, we go really, really slow and are very careful while we ride around with the little guys.
That is too funny that he can actually sleep on a four wheeler. I can just hear him saying that in his cute little voice...oh the things kids say.
Thanks for the prayer you posted...its a good reminder to stop and be thankful for all the little things.
Good to see you and Lara last night. I missed you guys.
we you too!
aw, thanks.
hey...i just had to tell you that i posted a pic of a shirt on my blog that made me think of you guys :)
I noticed you said you go really slow and are very careful with the little guys on there...what about when they aren't????.......Yea that's what I thought...
Dave Webster
you know it!
you know it!
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