Monday, February 13, 2006

I just returned from the Amazon where I spent 12 days traveling with Mike Colon, David Jay, Greg Gibbs and Richie Bouthillier. We implemented water filters up and down the Amazon River with Thirst Relief International a newly formed non-profit that I started in order to save lives and change the world. Most people don't know but 2 million people die every year simply because they lack access to clean drinking water. For $50 we can put a filter in a home, hut, village etc. that will literally save lives. We met and talked with people that had already received a filter and they told us of how their children and themselves used to get sick all the time but ever since they received the filter they have had almost no sickness at all. These bio sand filters that we use are made locally, easy to install and even easier to maintain. Truly unbelieveable.
What an amazing trip. I'll post a photo or two here as well.

After about 34 hours of travel I was greated at the airport by my wife and two boys. What a blessed man I am. I am so loved and have been given so many opportunities. What a joy life can be when I am focused on what I have and who I really am rather than on what I don't and all I fail to accomplish. In the midst of my return from my Amazon adventure I've already changed a few diapers :) cleaned up a bottle of syrup soda mix for a drink made in Brazil callled Guarrana. (sp?) My youngest broke the bottle and spilled it all over my white carpet in my bedroom! He's can be a bit of a terror at times. Speaking of he's screaming right now wanting me to go get him up from his nap. I've sure been welcomed home with a remider of true reality!

Be on the lookout for a an article in Studio Photography and Design about our trip to Brazil.

You can also read about our trip from a few different perspectives at these links.

Thanks for taking the time to read.



|| davidjay || said...

You da man!


Richie said...

That photo is unbelievable. Makes me want to sell my house and donate all the money to Thirst Relief

Pastor Bielby said...

Jim-you got me all stirred up. Nice job on this blogspot...makes me want to recruit people for Thirst.