Tuesday, February 14, 2006

here are some pix of the guys and just a couple of water stuff. I'm still sifting through the thousands of images of the kids and the water project trying to figure out which one's will go in the Studio Photography and Design article.

Enjoy the fun shots. You can see the contrast in filtered water and non-filtered water, Mike chimping and David videoing.

Thanks Mike for taking the up close and personal wide angle shot.

Yes, there are about 10 adults in one canoe. We'd leave the bigger boat and tranport the filters to the huts and then back to the big boat.


Leslie Ann Kitten said...

I think what you are doing is absolutely amazing! I would give anything to do this kind of work. I am a photographer in Lubbock, Texas and happened across your blog. Good luck and be sure to keep us posted!

Mike Colón said...

Jim.. I really should be catching up with clients and preparing for my workshop that starts in a couple days, but I'm sitting here reading every word on your blog and thinking about what a marvelous thing it is that you've put together and how honored I am to be a part of it! God is amazing how he brings stuff like this together to help those in need and bring more lost sheep into the Kingdom. To God be the glory forever. Miss ya already! If you talk to Greg, tell him I said WHATUP Senior Gibbs!

Jim Davis Hicks said...

It's such an honor to have you on board! Yes, to God be all the glory.

I miss you too and I'll tell Senor Gibbs you said "Tudabein."

God bless,
