Sunday, October 19, 2008

I gotta tell ya, after tonight's "self family photo session" I really have to say that my job is incredibly valuable! Let me clarify as to not sound arrogant. We took the kids out tonight along with an incredibly un-cooperative dog and tried to do some "self portraits" this was a far greater challenge than I realized. We've done our own family pix before but not really the way I like to shoot! I like to let the family have fun, interact, be together and while I try to control the setting and lighting etc. I prefer for them to just be together in a "camera unaware" fashion. These make for the best pix! However, you really need a professional artist to pull it off with success and most importantly with fun! It was pretty crazy and hi stress in the end, but at least we got a few photos that turned out pretty cool! I love the look on the boys faces in this shot because I just said, "stand there and look cool!" So there you have it, this must be cool! Funny thing is is that Brayden is one of the coolest cats on the planet but if you tell him to look cool this is what you get! So funny! Anyway, we were far too close to dark to get what I wanted out of the whole experience, but you can be sure next time I'll be hiring a "professional!"
If your interested in learning more about our "Life in Art Sessions" and discovering how a family is saved every time we capture yours feel free to contact us and visit, we still have a few more openings this fall before it gets too cold!


Karina Sammons said...

I think these photos are GREAT! And from the look of these 2 pics, it seems that maybe Karsyn was the most cooperative of the three kiddos! =)
Hope you guys are doing well. We need to catch up!

Jim Davis Hicks said...

yes we do!!! and we need to meet your new edition! we haven't been healthy long enough or around long enough to do it! we came back from St. Lucia and the kids were sick again!!! Can't wait to see you guys.