I must say that I'm shocked that someone who approves of partial birth abortion would be put into office to lead the state of Ohio!
Did you know that every single day in the USA there are more children killed through abortion than total soldiers killed in the war in Iraq?
I'm not saying I agree with all of what has happened in Iraq, I feel a far more aggressive attack upon the rebel forces there would be far more affective, but that's not my call. What I am saying is that I am sickened that people are more concerned about a current seemingly poor economy and the status of the war than they are about the thousands that murdered daily just cause they are an incovenience.
"America is great because America is good." We are more benevelant than any other country in the history of the world.
"America will cease to be great when it ceases to be good." How can we be good if we could care less about babies than to just dispose of them even if their hearts are beating loud and clear as early as 8 weeks? They beat before that, that's just when we hear them.
Last and most significant of my thoughts, (in my opinion) When does a human become valuable? Is it after someone else would miss them if they were gone? Is it after they've been invested in or received an education? When???? Any answer less than "The moment they are conceived!" puts others at the center, it puts the mother, the father, the friends, the institutions and people that that human life affects at the center. How selfish is that? I don't take pure water to folks in Zambia and Brazil because somehow my life is affected or I'll miss them if they suffer and die! I do it because all humans are created equal, valuable, worthy of life and worthy of our joy or our inconvenience! Either a human is valuable or it's not. Who are we to decide when they become valuable? If grandpa is old and a burden to take care of should we give him a shot to let him "pass away?" No, that's murder.