Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I was up in New Philadelphia this past weekend for my nieces b-day party and for a shoot with a band, Shiloh Mountain Trio! While there I took my boys and my two nieces and nephew to see their Great Grandparents, Smith's grave! It was so cool to go back there, haven't been for many years, while there we talked about who they were, how their Great Grandpa was an honest and godly man and practiced law to uphold justice for all etc. It was a neat time of reflection and learning for all. As we finished up Ashton say's "Dad, what is that?" I looked down and there was this locust crawling out of it's shell! So cool, I've seen locust and I've seen shells but never one actually crawling out! Pretty cool!


Lindsay Stemple said...

How neet that you took the kids to go see Grandma and Grandpa's grave. I haven't been there is years either. Dad (Uncle Bob) and I were just talking about that. We said before the summer we were going to go bike there for a visit. I sure wish I had the honor of being able to meet our dear Grandfather. I was the only grandchild that never got to know him. My dad always tells me that I have the smarts and dedication that he had...but man what an awesome, intelligent, remarkable human being he was (they both were). Everytime I hear about the Muskingham Conservancy or have a business mixer with the lawyers at Hanhart & Hanhart...I am always astounded by the fact that he started it all. What a pioneer!!! I am so happy you shared stories with your kids about them....I plan to do the same...although I have few memories (since I was so young) all were wonderful!!

Jim Davis Hicks said...

I so look forward to the day when we'll be reunited with them and at a time in life when I will appreciate who they are. As a little one so often you know so little or really appreciate the person. My memories are very limited too for grandpa as I was very young when he passed away, but I can vividly remember walking into the viewing. Hope you guys are well.

Unknown said...

Your family is so adorable!

God Bless,