Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I just received this today from an ActionRunner user in Portland! So encouraging especially since 2.1 is about to be released. For real, I don't know how I lived before I started using ActionRunner. It is the single most powerful time saving tool in my business!

Hey Jim,

Next Monday I am attending a photographer's "Happy Hour" at a local studio. It just kind of a hang out and meet people thing - then they cover a topic - I think like packing for travel is this months topic.
I wondered how you would feel about my burning 20 -30 CD's of the Trial download of ActionRunner to hand out? I think this is right up there with my Gary Fong - I simply cannot live without it!
However, I wouldn't want to step on any toes - or upset you - or commit copyright violations - but software in your hands is more power than a paper description.
Just let me know!

Pretty cool testimony! Gotta love being compared with Gary Fong considering his reputation for selling helpful products to photographers over the years!

For $99 there is simply no better, faster or more effective way to run multiple batch actions in photoshop, giving your images the look and feel you want without spending the rediculous amount of time so many have grown accustomed to!

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