Sunday, January 06, 2008

MONSTER TRUCK JAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashton, Brayden and I headed to the Monster Truck Jam last night at Nationwide Arena! It was so fun. A full night of Trucks crushing cars, flipping on their sides, crazy stunts (even a back flip on a dirt bike) and more! We had so much fun. It was crazy loud, late and tons of fun!

So, we came home from church today and after nap time we decided to paint the monster truck creative car kit that Ashton received from his cousin for Christmas! I was so proud of Ashton, there were four trucks and he share one with me, Brayden and Mommy. It was so fun to paint them and now we are waiting for them to dry so we can put on our own Monster Truck Jam for mom tonight! Pictured above is Grave Digger (painted by me) Brutus (painted by Brayden 3) Super Man (painted by Ashton 5) and Safe Auto Minimizer (painted by Mommy 30 something.)


Unknown said...

Hello Jim,
My name is Mark Davis, and I am an aspiring photographer. I found your website and am very impressed by your work and your commitment to God. I was wondering if you could tell me a little about your photo education. Did you study at a college or are you self-taught? I am just working out my first steps toward becoming a photographer too! Any words of wisdom you could share to get me going would be much appreciated.

May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family,

Mark Davis

Jim Davis Hicks said...


You might want to email me for faster and more in depth responses but here is a nutshell response.

I am "self taught" though none of us are really self taught, others have either inspired or helped along the way, even as I help you right now! I tell myself this often so to remember that none of us are in it on our own and all of draw from those around us no matter how much we lead or follow.

I think that finding good seminars like the one I offer on my site is a great alternative to a college education because you get real, practical information in a concise fashion with no student loan to deal with in the end. Pluse you build your portfolio at the same time! Check it out.

God bless you too and feel free to email me at if you have more questions.