Monday, November 05, 2007

It's so fun having really great camera equipment on hand! I was outside blowing my leaves down to the street and Lara say's "Hey let's get a family picture in that big pile!" So, we got semi ready for it (I desperately need a haircut so I opted for the hat I had on!) and we set up the tripod and the camera and got some great shots with the whole family! Besides our initial shot at the hospital this is the first real family portrait we have!
Many of you don't know this, but I'm independently wealthy! My net worth is around 4 billion! Each of those billion are pictured with me above! For real I'm the wealthiest man on the planet!
And for the record, I'm not selling any of those valuable assets so I still gotta pay my house off, so if you want any pix like this one above give me a call! :)


Jocelyn said...

yes, i want a copy of this pic!! How funny that I read this today b/c a couple hours ago I was looking at the pics on my fridge and I have one with you and the boys (i think its from two years ago) and the pic of Karsyn from the baby announcemnet. i actually thought to myself, now i need to get an updated pic of the family with their newest edition. then i look at your blog and there it is, a pic of the whole fam, which is great by the way. love it and love you guys. i'm dying to come hang out with you. gotta plan a time. love to you all and say hi to the boys for me.

Jim Davis Hicks said...

We'd love to have you over. Let's just do it. Call and let's just plan it.