Saturday, October 20, 2007

I LOVE my wife and kids! I am so blessed. Very tired with a newborn and very busy with two active and social boys, but very much blessed and in love! I am REALLY trying to keep focused, keep first things first and am determined to not look back on this season of my life and regret the way I lived it. My children will only be young once and before long they'll have plenty of other options, but right now I am their first choice! O LORD help me to live wise! So little matters that we live and strive for and it's so easy to overlook that which matters most! I think hell will be a place where we'll always know what we could have had, should have had but we refused to choose it! As a wedding photographer I'm reminded how precious little ones are and how fast they grow up. I see mom's and dad's doing their father daughter and mother son dances and you can always see in the tears what they are feeling. Most often the tears I witness are one's that say to me "O how fast you've grown, I desperately wish I could go back and relive it all over, only this time I'd do it more carefully!" Rarely, but on occasion I have the privilege of witnessing those that are simply crying tears of joy! Joy, because they raised them well, without regret and now they see the fruit of their love and sacrifice as their little one has found their own love! I'm sure every parent has a little of both and I'm not always discerning things correctly but I just know I want to look at my little one's as they grow up and not look back with a bunch of regret because I wasted my life trying to impress or do so much for others (or rather myself) that I neglect that cherished moments on today! Today this manifested in letting my boys help me prime my deck. Can I tell you that it's really, really hard to get dried primer off of a 3 year old!!!! But we sure had fun working together. 4 times they both said "Dad, thanks so much for letting us paint with you, this is alot of fun! So, though I sure have alot of drips and high spots on my deck, they'll only remind me of how fun it was to do it together! Thank you Jesus for my wonderful wife and kids!


Anonymous said...

You are a luckey Jim .
David Harrison Photography

Anonymous said...

quite the vulnerable post. i wonder what lara and the boys would post about your abilites as a dad? my guess is that it would bring tears of joy to your eyes.
glad to hear that you are spending your time with the wife and kids and not on things that you will regret later on in life. a friend who was dying once told me that his greatest mistake was not spending his time on people who would love him when he was old.
matt gordon

Jim Davis Hicks said...

Blessed, very blessed!

I love your friends quote!

Thanks for the comments.