Wednesday, August 29, 2007

WOW! That's about all I can say! Wow!

We just finished the first ever Davis Photography, Davis Tools Seminar!

It was titled "Summer Revival Seminar" and that it did! I can't tell you how fun it was to hang with some amazing people and grow and learn together as we discovered and shared knowledge on lighting, capture, editing/workflow, album design, (a favorite of the attendees,cause my wife rocks!) business sense, marketing and cause marketing and more! It was awesome!

I'm gonna post a little show it web show later that incorporates all the images from attendees and all! Also, I'll post links to their websites!

Thank you Mike Lotz for all your help! You rock! Also, thanks to Rob from Encore! And thank you all who supported our event by giving some great hook up pricing on some cool products! Bludomain, Show it Web, theknot, Me Ra Koh and our very own ActionRunner!
Also, a big thank you to our amazing models Devon and Rachel and Elliot! You guys were amazing!

Last but not least, thank you to all who attended! I'll be posting links and our group shot soon!

God bless you all,

Jim and Lara


Eighth Day Photography said...

Looks awesome! It was so great to meet you both and I look forward to coming back down to Columbus to see you!


Jim Davis Hicks said...


your awesome! God has great things in store for you! we look forward to your return!

thanks so much for coming.

jim and lara

Anonymous said...

though i dont have a webpage yet, i can say that this was the best two day, 24 hour experience of the past year. between the power outages, sun going down over in grandview, a late night visit to white castles and no slyders, and an impromptu photshoot outside the coldstone where we were 'celebrity photographers", it was all memerable.

i learned alot and hopefully people learned from me. this concept is best illustrated by "synergy", the whole being the greater than the sum of its parts.

i look forward to a purchase of the whole action runner line (tool belt, software, hair gel and action runner pocket whizards"

in all seriousness, "you cant out-teach the teacher" and yes, you can put that cheese on your blog if you like


Jim Davis Hicks said...


you are so unbelievably hillarious and such a joy to have around!

Not sure how many phd chemists we'll draw to our next seminar but it just wouldn't be the same without you!

I hope you'll be up and running and ready to go for the advanced seminar!

God bless you,


Anonymous said...

jim and all the blog stalkers reading...

sadly, i did not take a PhD, i left with a masters in 2 years. i did not want to give 5 and a half years of my life away when i enjoyed business more than chemistry.

in the event you have an advanced seminar, i hope that by that time i will no longer be a novice photo duffer.

take care, and i look forward to seeing more of your posts coming up after you recover from the seminar


Anonymous said...

Now officially a week out from the conference and I'm still impressed at how well put together it was for the first time you ever did this Jim. You really shared so much information that is SOOOO crucial for the success of any business. I've already told a few of the folks that blogstalk me and want to do photography how valuable this seminar would be for them. Totally Awesome! Anyways...I think it is harder for your friends to impress you than anyone else and I can tell you I was blown away by what you had put together. I know it only gets better from here too...which is really exciting. You guys rock!

Lotz Photography

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it went well.
Dave Webster

Jim Davis Hicks said...

Matt, thanks for clarifying.

Mike, what an encouraging word! It was sooo fun to do the seminar and all that hard work was so worth it! It's been so exciting to see the others growing and applying what we learned already! Cant' wait to go to the buckeye game with you! Thanks for taking me, this will be my first!

dave, you rock. we need to hang sometime.