Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Here are a couple more shots from the studio portion of my shoot with Brit and Andrew. I am so loving doing more studio work now that the old carriage house studio is almost complete!


Anonymous said...

Here's a comment for ya' Jim... these photos are grand! Wonderful stuff... the studio/carriage house looks like a pretty cool place to work. Talk with you soon.
All the best,
Greg M-D

Anonymous said...

your studio work is looking freaking awesome - love the color (that green is awesome) and the lighting is perfect - baller stuff man!

Jim Davis Hicks said...

Thanks guys!

I so appreciate it. I was up til 2:30 a.m. last night installing track lighting in the studio. My buddy Joe is an electrical guru and he did all the real deal stuff while I helped!

I appreciate the encouragement and really want to get more seniors etc. and studio work! It's alot of fun.