Sunday, January 28, 2007

This picture represents our growing family. Count how many snowmen there are!


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! I think Dave is a great name for a baby...boy or girl...

Jim Davis Hicks said...

it's really a toss up between dave or rich??? i'm not sure.

your truly one of the funniest people i've ever met.

it's a joy to know you DAVE.

Anonymous said...

Yippee!!! What exciting news!! Lara - are you puking yet??


Anonymous said...

Congrats! So when is this little miracle due?

Jocelyn said...

Hey Hicks' Don't know if you got my message today at home, but I called to say CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you. Can't wait to hear more of the details. Love you all!!

Jim Davis Hicks said...

thanks everyone, lara's not sick yet, a little nausea but we are praying for a miracle as i don't want to go through what we have before, cool thing is she'll be better by the time our weddings roll around in May.

the little princess (i hope) is due on Sept. 27th we believe. i so want a girl!

thanks jocelyn, we've been running around trying to get ready to leave for vacation in the morning.

we'll look forward to talking soon.

we miss you already but know God has great things in store for you.

God bless,


Anonymous said...

First of all congratulations on new baby- love your announcement pic You know the old saying don't you... "Number 3 sinks your boat so after that you can have as many as you want." ( I can attest to this we've got 4 and love it)
Just wanted to let you know I've been perusing your site and throughly enjoyed myself. Loved the sideshows.
I was so touched by your post on
"no condemnation" and "consuming fire"
I noticed that you said you had an idea for a seminar. I would be very interested. I saw another photog who had a great idea for a seminar. I thought you might be interested in. He had small groups come to his hometown and he spent the weekend teaching them at his home. They stayed at the local hotel. He won because he didn't have to leave his home and family and they won because they got some wonderful intimate time of learning. I'm a little discouraged right now because I can't get the vivid color I want to see in my pics and I seem to be booking more weddings and want to learn very QUICKLY. Maybe a weekend seminar would solve my problems.
BTW I love Davis for a name.
Thanks for a wonderful blog
Cathy from Tennessee

Jim Davis Hicks said...

cathy i just spent the night in nashville on my way to florida to visit some family.

thanks for your great comments. i've been cooking up a seminar like you described.

what time of year would you prefer a seminar to be?

i can solve your color issues for sure!

write me at and i'll write back about a seminar.

thanks for the encouragement!

God bless.