Thursday, July 30, 2009

I sat next to Justin on the plane from Dar TZ to Dubai UAE. As we discussed our individual reasons for being in Dar the contrast of the Kingdoms became very evident. I was there to drill for (and filter) clean water, he was there for oil. I cared about the kids, he said let them "f-ing" die (his words not mine) both of us were married, had kids and are 34 years old. In the end I said "I live as though God is real, you do not." I sought understanding. In the end the suffering and pain of the world led him to believe there is no God! Awe, a sense of justice is in every man. Thus the need for the cross, justice that is. Anyway, I illustrated with 4 people, Justin, Me and two others. I share what I have, he lets them die. If we all live like Justin it appears there is no God, if we all love and care, God's is revealed!

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