Friday, February 08, 2008

If you would like to bid on us as mentors CLICK HERE, then click on the Thirst Relief logo at fotoverite, register as a new user and start bidding! Auction goes live Feb. 9th.

The Mentor Time is to be held at WPPI in Vegas but could be done here too.

This is our profile on the auction site. Happy Bidding. I must say, the mentor times we've done in the past have been amazing! We've seen couples cry, we've prayed for them and then watched their businesses thrive as they headed to a new level.

"For Jim and Lara Davis-Hicks, the combination of pro photography and global charity is a dream come true!

Jim and Lara Davis-Hicks live a life of interesting contrasts. One day, Jim might be floating down the Amazon River, bringing life-saving water filtration systems to remote villages. The next, he’s floating rubber duckies in the bathtub with his kids back in Ohio. He could be shooting documentary images in Sub-Saharan Africa on Tuesday and wedding photos in Columbus on Saturday. While these may seem like wildly different worlds, to the Davis-Hicks team it’s all part of the big picture that is their life.

Jim and Lara form the team that is known as Davis Photography but they’re also the founders of Thirst Relief International. Together they capture compelling wedding and portrait imagery and together with the help of an amazing team they lead a global effort to save lives and change the world.

The highest bidder will receive a 90 minute one-on-one session with Jim and Lara and a free copy of the BEST TIME SAVING TOOL you can imagine, it’s called ActionRunner ($199.00, free trial at created by the Davis-Hicks team so they could live the dream mentioned above without losing their precious family in the midst of it! (They have two sons 5 and 4 and a daughter 5 months.)

Jim and Lara’s images have been published nationally, most notably the cover of Studio Photography and they host workshops helping photographers to take their businesses to the next level or even just get started. In less than 5 years they took their business from their first $300 commission to as much as $15,000.00 per commission.

Though they live their dream, Jim and Lara are both known for their willingness to share honestly about the very real struggles of raising a family, maintaining a marriage and trying to run a home based studio and non-profit.

Jim and Lara both give credit to God for the abundant blessings in their life!"

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