Wednesday, August 29, 2007

WOW! That's about all I can say! Wow!

We just finished the first ever Davis Photography, Davis Tools Seminar!

It was titled "Summer Revival Seminar" and that it did! I can't tell you how fun it was to hang with some amazing people and grow and learn together as we discovered and shared knowledge on lighting, capture, editing/workflow, album design, (a favorite of the attendees,cause my wife rocks!) business sense, marketing and cause marketing and more! It was awesome!

I'm gonna post a little show it web show later that incorporates all the images from attendees and all! Also, I'll post links to their websites!

Thank you Mike Lotz for all your help! You rock! Also, thanks to Rob from Encore! And thank you all who supported our event by giving some great hook up pricing on some cool products! Bludomain, Show it Web, theknot, Me Ra Koh and our very own ActionRunner!
Also, a big thank you to our amazing models Devon and Rachel and Elliot! You guys were amazing!

Last but not least, thank you to all who attended! I'll be posting links and our group shot soon!

God bless you all,

Jim and Lara

Sunday, August 12, 2007

We are so excited to do our up coming seminar!

So far we have attendees from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and . . .

Congratulations to Linda Turnbough for winning bragging rights for the farthest traveled so far for the Summer Revival Seminar on August 27th and 28th.

She's coming from Texas!

3 Seats are still open! If your serious about taking your images and business to the next level or even just getting started in the business of photography (especially weddings) then you will certainly have spent your money well.

Friday, August 10, 2007

A little over two years ago Lara and I, along with our friends Greg and Jennifer Gibbs and Gary and Karina Sammons and with the help of Mike Colon, David Jay and many generous donors, started an organization called Thirst Relief International. Our mission "Together saving lives and changing the world." How, by providing LONG term pure water solutions to those around the world that are dying simply because they lack access to clean water. WATER is one of the most abundant natural resource available to man, yet over 1.1 BILLION lack access to it. Often it's running in abundance right outside their door in a contaminated river, or it's 30 feet below their feet in an underground spring. However, without the proper tools to access and or purify this water these people are sick and dying. Nearly 25 MILLION deaths ANNUALLY are attributed to water borne diseases. So, why do I write this today? To call others to action! Inspire and say that WE can all make a difference if we simply care and are willing to help make a difference in this world. Since it's inception Thirst Relief Internatinalover has proivded 20,000 people with access to clean water, this from just a simple idea that is helping to change the world.

Two years ago it was a handful of friends giving of time, money and energy to start a revolutionary water project, now it's a network of children, professionals, churches, businesses, individuals and our field laborers that continues to grow and make a difference around the world. How can you get involved?

CLICK HERE to watch an awesome video by Nickleback that will inspire you to find someway to get involved in making a difference in the world!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Click HERE to see the promo video for my upcoming seminar! REGISTER HERE!