Thursday, May 03, 2007

On May 30th, Scott and Jenny Shine will be taking off on a 5000 mile self supported tandem bike trek!

There journey is twofold:

1. Raise awareness regarding the world water crisis.

2. Raise funds to help save lives and change the world.

3. (secretly Scott say's there is a third "get out of my cubical :)

There journey will take them from Washington state across the northern border of the US and Canada, down into Michigan and south from there until the loop back up to somewhere in Utah.

This incredible journey is unbelievable and we commend Scott and Jenny for their efforts in this journey they are about to begin!

Scott and Jenny will be riding, camping, cooking, riding, camping, cooking, maybe stopping by the Oprah show if that works out, did I mention riding? Anyway, they are doing the hard part!

All we need to do is help them by:

1. Raising awareness ourselves via your blogs, friends, churches, networks etc.

2. Sponsoring Scott and Jenny on a per mile basis.

You can lear more about their journey at

100% of all their procedes go directly to Thirst Relief International and you actually make the donation at our site

If your wondering why your reading about this on your photographer's blog it's cause I serve as the volunteer President of Thirst Relief International

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