Monday, March 05, 2007

I just had to share this very quickly, it's an all-time classic!

For those who don't know, Lara and I are expecting our 3rd child! We are very excited, however when Lara conceives she is typically VERY sick from about week 8-20 and is bedridden most of the time or she ends up hospitalized from dehydratoin due to excessive vomitting. It's pretty rough, so right now everything is on me and with the support of some friends and family I am taking care of Lara, the boys, the business and still operating as president of Thirst Relief International. (this is volunteer, my real job is a passionate wedding photographer! And my thirst staff does more of the day to day than I do!)

Anyway, so a nurse came to our home yesterday (since our insurance finally agreed to pay for a zophran pump, cause you know we only pay nearly $1000 a month for our health insurance.) So, she came to show Lara and I how to hook up this pump/IV type thing that pumps regular doses of this anti-nausea medication called zophran. Anyway, I'm sitting there watching the nurse show us how to do it (so that lara isn't vomitting all day) and Brayden my 3 year old comes over and say's "Daddy, hold me my stomache hurts. Will you rub it?" I said sure honey and held him as I listened carefully, a few moments later he HURLS on my chest!!!!! I was a bit in shock as I was covered in vomit and I ran to the bathroom carrying him to get him over the toilet where he proceeds to emmit the rest of his lunch!

Funny thing is I wouldn't trade the last 6 weeks of misery for much less than a million $ maybe :) but for real, it's been amazing how God has used it in me to see how little so much of what I strive for matters. In the end if I love my family, my God and serve each of them faithfully life is GREAT! In that I can serve my clients with excellence as I am serving God but as almost anyone with a family and carreer or any other passion can relate to it's easy to drop the ball on the most important things while seeking to maintain your own "shtuff". I heard a line the other day in a song, it goes "You put me here for a reason, How can I further Your Kingdom when I so caught up in mine?" Often my own little kingdom gets in the way, it's like James Cameron (you know the guy that directed the totally inaccurate show that claimed they found Jesus' bones?) when he won the oscar for Titanic he jumped up and down saying "I'm the king of the world!" NO, not even close, just a good director with some seriously great talent that doesn't mean a hill of beans to most of the people that me and my staff at Thirst Relief labor daily for to save their lives and most of the rest of the world. (sorry for the run on.)

Anyway, it was just too funny. And literally I was laughing as I held my little guy over the toilet and watched him chucking it all right there! I wasn't laughing at him, I was laughing at the fact that just earlier that day in church I was standing there worshipping God with my hands raised high and I said to God in my heart, "Thank you for helping me to learn obedience and perseverance in the midst of suffering, just like you did." I kinda thought to myself as I stood there "I got it, I got what HE wants me to get in this trying time, now it will be over soon." Then almost in humor I go home and get a chest full of vomit!!! It was so funny.

Over the past 5 weeks I've had some seriously hard times (hard for my comfy sheltered world) and at times have failed at being a kind and patient father and loving, compassionate husband, but in the end God is using it all to draw me to Himself and set my heart in line with His will, not mine!

Thank you Jesus!

And thank you to all who have prayed, called (probably w/out a return call) and have brought a meal or played with the boys!


Anonymous said...

I love you dude, you rock. How is the treatment working for Lara?
Dave Webster

mommy zabs said...

oh my gosh! I have never heard of that! What an awesome thing that you can get that!
Please let us know how she is doing.

Anne Marie said...

God IS good - thanks for letting Him use you. I am glad you could laugh through the vomit - not generally my reaction, but what else can you do - really?

Jim Davis Hicks said...

Hey Guys,

Dave, I love you too! The prayer at church was awesome, thanks for following His lead on that one!

Lara is doing a good bit better. She said in an almost comical way last night "you know it's funny health is so relative, if I felt like I do now a few days ago I'd have thought I feel pretty good, but now I just feel like crapp cause I'm used to feeling a little better but it's still not that good." So, it's a process, they work with you to get your dosage right and I think they are getting closer to making her feel "good." What that means we are not sure. But she does plan to attend WPPI with me at the end of the month so we are hopeful she'll be better soon.

Jim Davis Hicks said...

anne marie,

dude you make the best shells and cheese ever (not to be mistaken for shells and cheese box stuff) i could have eaten the whole pan last night. thank you.